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My Life is Different

My Life is Different

Look at case studies from different African countries and using the healthy box discuss what things are missing from the healthy box, which explains diffs between the UK & Africa. Children share their case studies and key points. A focus on children’s health. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Campaign for Clean, Safe Water

Campaign for Clean, Safe Water

Watch campaign films that educate people about the dirty water crisis in Africa. Children consider the hard-hitting facts learned and record how this makes them feel. Discuss what makes these films effective, in preparation for planning own films in the next session. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Making A Link

Making A Link

Discuss the reasons why linking with a school in Africa is important & emphasise its importance in helping to fulfil the Millennium Development Goals. Chn tackle a CAFOD activity to act as advisers to an aid agency distributing funds to suitable projects. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Can You Carry It?

Can You Carry It?

How hard can it be to carry water? Children find out the facts and discuss images of different ways of carrying water before trying themselves. Through activities on the playground children experience that water is heavy and challenging to carry over distances. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Healthy Proverbs

Healthy Proverbs

Discuss African proverbs about health and their meanings. Children design their own posters or prepare a drama /freeze frame to show meaning of healthy proverb. Compare to healthy proverbs/sayings in the UK? Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Tumble Driers

Tumble Driers

Children find out how a tumble drier works, list the advantages and disadvantages of tumble driers and then have a debate about whether they are a good or bad thing!
From the Sporting Shadows

From the Sporting Shadows

Since the ban was lifted South Africa has become one of the World’s top sporting nations and has even been awarded the World Cup in 2010. But what impact did the ban have on the lives of South Africa’s sporting stars of the past?
African Sporting Stars

African Sporting Stars

Who is your sporting hero? Children consider who their sporting heroes are, what makes them great and introduces the idea of sportspeople as role models. Children then investigate some African football idols for a game of top trumps.